When You Need Waterproof Hi Vis Workwear
As previously stated, law is definitely important in upholding safety standards. In 1992, the need for hi vis clothing and PPE equipment within work regulations saw responsibility placed on employers to ensure that they were meeting the basic health and safety requirements. PPE is defined as all equipment that is worn or used by a person at work to give themselves protection against one or more hazards of risks to their health and safety. This should be the “last resort” as a protection from risk. While high vis clothes are essential in safety, employers also have a responsibility to making work environments as safe as possible. However, it is two-way. Employees also need to take on responsibility too and ensure that they properly use the equipment provided in a particular situation. There may be, for example, a need for waterproof hi vis workwear. Guidelines state that if, in the course of employment, an employee’s head becomes partially submerged in water, particularly the respiratory tract, then PPE must be used. Class 3 hi vis coats, in particular, must be used for cold or adverse weather conditions. Such coats are used to protect against weather hazards and may need to be waterproof hi vis workwear to avoid workers being adversely affected by the elements. This could be, for example, railway jackets which are required to be Class 3 for railway workers. But whatever the requirement, whether it be hi vis workwear that needs to be waterproof or flame resistant, this must be met by employers – and followed by employees.