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The Benefits of Online Training


As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, group gatherings including face-to-face training sessions were put on hold and future training sessions will look quite different for the foreseeable future.

During this time, the importance of online training solutions has been highlighted and as well as being an alternative whilst under restrictions, online training has many other benefits including:


Complete it anywhere, anytime

Online training can be accessed at the most convenient time, so there is no need to take a week off a project to attend a five-day course hundreds of miles away. Whilst you might be able to find a local course, there will still be lots of travel time that could be avoided by doing online training instead. With many online courses, you can also access the content after you have completed the course to give you a refresh of the information.


No extra expenses

With online training, there is no need to book accommodation or pay for travel expenses, which can save lots of money. Hotel accommodation and train fares can stack up into the thousands if you are on a week-long course.


No waiting for course dates

You often find that there are only a few course options available and are spread out throughout the year, so you might end up waiting months to get onto a course, or the dates available are not suitable for you. With online training, you can complete the training immediately, so no delay could impact your contracts that require specific qualifications/course attendance.


Learning at your own pace

When you attend a group training session, you are working at a general pace to try and accommodate all of the attendees. When you are completing online training, you work at your own pace, so if there are parts you struggle with you can spend more time understanding those areas. On the other hand, if you are flying through the training, you don’t have to wait for other people to get up to speed, you can simply move onto the next section.


Online content is more up to date

Many traditional courses provide handbooks and other resources that can quickly go out of date, however with online training, the training provider will be constantly updating the online training content to incorporate any regulatory changes or any other relevant updates. You can also get notified of any updates or future training requirements that may be needed as a result of industry or regulatory changes. provides a range of online Health and Safety courses that can be completed at your convenience, at low prices. This can help to boost your CV to get a new job or help to win more contracts for your business by showing your employees are highly trained. Our courses include Fire Safety, Manual Handling, Food Safety, Asbestos Awareness and many more.


View our range of online training courses -

Written by Serenyellow at 25/08/2020

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